Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sunrise and Sunset

Over the last week or so we had some very nice weather. Cold, but sunny and pretty. It just didn't last very long each day. The picture above is around nine o'clock in the morning. The kids are heading for school, frost is on the ground, and the sun is just now beginning to clear the houses across the park. By four o'clock it is well tucked away below the horizon.
This will be the last blog post this year from Ireland. The day after tomorrow we'll head back to Albuquerque to spend the holidays with our kids, but without our cats. A neighbor's teenage daughter is going to "mind" our cats while we are gone. We were discussing whether to activate the alarm system or not. Lately, a lot of house alarms have been sounding off in the neighborhood. Everybody has one because it lowers the home owners insurance, but none is connected to the police. Alarms go off for hours and nobody shows up. According to Dave Barry, the sound of a house alarms is reassuring. If a burglary was in progress, the thieves would have disabled the alarm a long time ago.
There were some break-ins lately around here. It seems one of our neighbors across from the park likes to leave her front door open; even when she goes out shopping. Times have changed. You can't do that anymore around here.

Sometimes clouds are good: a good sunrise needs some backdrop.

Not sure which one of those got burglarized.

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