Sunday, December 16, 2012

Making a Picture

We're back in Albuquerque for the holidays and I had a little bit of time working on a picture. Click on it to get the full-size version. I got the idea when Lee Ann and I were walking through a Christmas market in Dublin. An artist had stitched together panorama pictures to create some cool images. I tried to recreate that. It came out okay, but is not exactly what I saw in Dublin. I need to play with this some more.
I started out with a bunch of postcards shown below and then arranged them to solve the puzzle.

Well, actually, I started out with the picture below. I took it last month when I was at Supercomputing. Kurt and I had gone up to Ensign hill park one evening and took a few pictures. Because it was getting dark, I put the camera on a rock and chose a long exposure time. That worked okay, but the picture was crooked since the rock surface was not level. For the picture in last month's post I rotated it and then cropped it. For this project I only rotated it to make the horizon level, but did not crop it. Instead, I put a frame around it.

Then I cut out the smaller sections, added a border to each section, and added a background. This took some time, since I wasn't sure how to get the effect I wanted, and two gigabytes of memory really isn't enough to process that many layers efficiently. The computer was swapping quite a bit. BTW, I use the gimp to this kind of work.

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