Monday, October 22, 2012


Near the end of August Anika turned twenty. I was reminded of that yesterday when I was processing some pictures and found a few from the big day on the memory card. Even Anika had forgotten that she is now twenty. When we skyped today it took her a moment to realize what I was talking about.
We were in Switzerland that day visiting my Mom. That trip had come unexpected -- we had planned to celebrate in Dublin -- but us jet-setters can easily hop on a plane to Zurich and be in a few hours in Bern. One of the advantages of living in Ireland.

Kathrin and Beat invited us over and got these beautiful cakes. It was a very nice evening. A lot has happened in those twenty years and it is amazing to see that tiny, fragile baby grow up into a young pretty woman. I am happy with they way things have turned out and proud. Happy birthday (again) Anika!

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