Monday, October 8, 2012

Finally here

Yeah, Lee Ann finally moved to Ireland! There were some unexpected delays, but last month it finally happened: I flew to Albuquerque and picked her and the cats up to come over here.
Ireland did its best to welcome her: Three days of solid rain and cold. I told an Irish co-worker today that I had brought Lee Ann over and he asked whether I was nuts to do this in October. He told me that April or May would be much better months for such a move.
I took the picture above picture a few days after the rain had cleared, but before jet lag had completely worn off. Yes, that is an American flag in the background. It is the one that belongs to the embassy located in Phoenix park.
Now we're following the red tape through the Irish bureaucracy. Because I am (also) a Swiss citizen, Lee Ann doesn't need a work permit. That's fine, except how do you exactly show no permit to a potential employers? She is also entitled to reside here but we need to submit our passports, marriage certificate, proof of residence, and a bunch of other forms. The end result will be a residence card, but it may take up to six months. Our documents should come back no later than one month from now. In the meantime, it is difficult for her to open a bank account or look for a job without her passport. We are making progress; Lee Ann now has the Irish equivalent of an SS number, which is only supposed to be used for social security services, but without which no bank account can be opened, a job started, and so on. We'll get there...
The cats are still wondering what exactly happened to them, but they are adjusting well. Lee Ann too this picture:

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