Sunday, September 9, 2012


At mile 18 of today's run I was composing the start of this blog: "I'm sure you are glad to hear that today's 20-miler went much better than the previous ones and I came back with time to spare." Well, almost. At mile 18 I was 50 seconds behind, but thought I was ahead by that much and took it a little bit easier up that last hill about a mile from here. It's not really a hill, but a nasty incline. At least it seems nasty after anything over 12 miles.

We hiked up that hill. It was very steep.
So, I lost some more time and came in 2 minutes over my target time. But, no walking or other major problems. It was by no means easy, but I felt better than the last two times. I think it's mostly the shoes. Today I was wearing a newer pair that is not quite as worn and used as my usual pair.

I then walked over to the top of the fall.
Often when I run, cars stop and ask me for direction. Even if I wanted to, I can usually not help them. I don't know where the N4 is and how to get to it, and I'm on a timed run! On the other hand, if you want to cross the street, they don't stop for you. Often they honk their horns if you run on the street, in Phoneix park! It's full of pedestrians and bicycles, but lazy people drive in and commuters use it to cut through to the other side of Dublin. I think they should only allow buses and service vehicles and set up some parking lots on the edges. Then it would be a park.

Highland cows in Scotland
Our second week of vacation was in Scotland. You can see more pictures on my picasa album and Anika's. It rained quite a bit, but we got to see a neat corner of Scotland. To see all of it, would require much more time. It's a 40-minute flight from Dublin, so I know we'll be back.

Sunset near Kirriemuir where we stayed

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