Thursday, September 6, 2012

Of Voires and Boiks

Last month the Tall Ships came to Dublin
Tonight I did my sprint exercises along the Royal Canal. I had my bike on one end of a stretch along the path I know is pretty exactly a mile long and more or less flat. I would sprint down and come back on a recovery jog and then get a drink of watter from the bottle on my bike.
I did this four times and at some point three guys had camped out near my bike putting their fishing rods into the water and drinking beer. When I stepped away from my bike after my sip of water, one of them asked me whether I had been checking on my bike. I told him No, just getting some water.
A few more words and they asked me what part of America I was from. I told them Albuquerque which prompted one of them to shout out "Breaking Bad". I have heard of that show and told him I don't watch it (I don't have a TV), but heard it was good. He said it was "the best f*ing thing on the telly." Then he asked me whether I liked De Voire.
So far into the conversation I understood about one or two words of every five these guys said. It was a lot of "What?" on my part and them repeating things that didn't become more understandable.
He called his buddy over and asked him how he said De Voire. He said "De Voire". After quite some time and many repetitions it became clear they were talking about a TV show called The Wire.
I told them to learn English and did another lap.
When I came back they asked me whether I liked Ireland. I told them I like the friendly people and also they way they talk, although I cannot understand it. He explained to me that it was the Doblin accent and I told him it was Dublin and bike, not boik. One of them chimed in "yeah, boycycle!"
He also told me that the other problem was that they were commoners, not educated people, although one of them had gone to welding school. He asked where I lived and when I told him Castleknock, he said "Noice" with a captial N! It is a nice area, but I'm not sure it deserves a capital N. So I told him that until recently I had lived in Mulhuddart (where the murder rate is somewhat higher) and the welder explained that this was where he works.
Earlier I had been thinking to ask them whether they couldn't hear the difference in speech between the shows they watch and the way they talk. Turns out that wasn't necessary: they can speak and imitate the American accent quite well as I was leaving when they were making fun of me with my "Wire" from "Albuquerque", "South of Colorado".

Another unrelated picture from the Tall Ship festival. Didn't have a camera with me to take a picture of the De Voire guys, and it was too dark anyway.

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