Friday, August 12, 2011

Bikes, Glass, and Mirrors

I have started processing the pictures from the Switzerland and London portion of our vacation. Processing means mostly straightening some crooked shots, removing dirt and smudges, and selecting those pictures that are worthwhile displaying. I took almost 1,200 during our two-week vacation with the hope that at least 10% are salvageable.
My goal over the last few years has been to increase the percentage of keepers: Spend a little bit more time thinking when taking the picture and save a lot of time weeding through boring pictures and trying to correct those that almost turned out. Today I uploaded 14 and 28. Let me know whether they are worthwhile looking at.
When I was looking for subjects I tried to gather shots for a few themes. The pictures I uploaded today fall into the category of Bicycles and Glass and Mirrors.

A lot of people ride bicycles in Switzerland, but in London it was almost difficult to take a picture without having a bike in the frame. It was obvious that that should be one of my themes, but I didn't realize that until later, so that collection is relatively small. With the rain helping along, some of these could actually be in both albums:

The other thing that was obvious in London was that glass and mirror effects were everywhere. This provided lots of opportunities to catch colors, reflections, and play with focus to create interesting pictures.
What make some of these pictures interesting is that you can look at them for a while and still discover new elements. The one at the top of this post is an example. After looking at it for a while and changing what you are focusing at, you start seeing new things. I think I can see a man in that picture.
Here are a couple more that have multiple levels and it takes a while to figure out what belongs where.

You can view the remaining pictures of these two collections here and here. Now I have to work on the other pictures and hope to find another 78 good ones to reach my 10% goal. I'll let you know when I upload the next batch.


  1. The first one is particularly nice.

  2. Yes, I like the colors and how "glassy" it looks.
