Monday, June 9, 2014


On May 17, 2014, Anika graduated from Mills College with her Bachelor's of Arts degree. I am very happy and very proud. Anika has worked hard and come a long way from four years ago. Part of that is just growing up, but a big part is the learning  and studying.

Mills is in Oakland, overlooking the San Francisco bay. The Bay Area is a different place than Edgewood in New Mexico where Anika grew up. That change alone took courage and will power. It was scary at first, but Anika has come to successfully navigate the place and love it.

The school made a video of the commencement. Anika receives her diploma at time stamp 1:21:48. Anika, her Mom, and I spent the day on the East bay and celebrated with an Italian dinner in Berkeley at the Trattoria la Siciliana. You can see the pictures I took during the day on Picasa.

At the end of the month Anika will travel to Barcelona in Spain, first to further her studies in teaching English as a foreign language, and then to live there for a year and teach.

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