Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cliff Walk

Last weekend Lee Ann, Anika, and I walked from Bray to Greystones along the coast on the cliff walk. It is a popular walk. It even has its own brochure! It has an interesting history -- it was created for the people who built the train line -- and some very nice views. It was a gorgeous day and we had to share the walk with many other hikers, which didn't really let us "leave the hustle and bustle" of Bray behind as one hike description put it.
It offers great views but after a while it becomes a little bit monotonous: still the same Irish sea and the same train line ;-)
Tomorrow Anika and I are off to Leipzig in Germany. I will attend the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) there and Anika can do some sightseeing and practice her German. Preparing for the trip I came across Mark Twain's The Awful German Language. The actual text is here. I never heard of it before and found it amusing, a little bit exaggerated, and frustrating for people learning German.

When I get back from ISC, Anika will take a train to Holland and visit a friend there. She will then fly back to the US from Amsterdam.

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