Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fondu in Switzerland

We are now the proud owners of this fondu set. Lee Ann and I spent a long weekend in Bern to visit family and friends, and used the occasion to get a new fondu set. The other one is still in Albuquerque. Although the weather wasn't great, it was a lot better than what we currently have here in Ireland. Can't wait for Spring.

We also had a chance to meet up with some of my old class mates. It was a fun evening and we did not take the last train home. We were on the one that left fifteen minutes earlier ;-)
Looking at the pictures I selected for this post, I realize this might be the first one for which I did not take a single picture. I don't know if that improves the post or not, but at least you get to see me in a picture for once.

During the winter, the local ice hokey club sets up a small ice rink in front of the Swiss national parliament building. Any good tourist attraction or place of activity in Switzerland must have a restaurant. This was no different. We celebrated the evening in a temporary building adjoining the ice rink. Of course, we had a cheese fondu!

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