Some of my school mates thought it would be fun to watch it again and, with a lot of luck, were able to locate that substitute teacher, and luckily he still had the film. The husband of the woman who organized the class reunion digitized it and added a sound track. I must have borrowed that tie and have no idea where the shirt came from.
The class room is where I spent my last three years of high school, and the building is where I spent the last five. My father went to school there too, and I recently learned that my grandmother had gone there as well. During World War II, the gym was used to house soldiers. They ruined the floor with their heavy boots. When we were using it, it was warped and had little pits the size of boot heels all over. I didn't care for sports, but that gymnasium didn't make it any more attractive.
By now they rebuilt it and renovated the main building, but it is basically still the same as it was back then.