Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Shoe Laces

A while back I came across this video on How to Tie your Shoes

The speaker demonstrates two ways of tying your shoes: One were they stay tied, and the way most people use, where they don't.
Trying it out, I realized I already was tying my laces in the improved fashion he suggests. Since I learned how to tie my shoes in Europe, I'm beginning to wonder whether this is a cultural thing. Maybe American children are taught the "wrong" way to tie their shoes, and Europeans know better.
So here is a request to put this on a more scientific foundation: Watch the video, determine which knot you are using and report back with the result and on which continent you learned to tie your shoes.
Maybe it is a plot to trip Americans, or it just depends on whom your parents learned from.

1 comment:

  1. He doesn't mention anything about the "bunny ears" method that I do when I tie my shoes.
