Saturday, November 19, 2011

My America Trip

I just came back from spending three weeks in the USA, or as they call it there, America. (Never mind the portions south and north of the border ;-) I had a good time and met with tons of people, including some of you!
The Supercomputing conference was, as always, very packed. I had planed to attend a lot of the technical talks, but missed most of them. Instead I talked to people and learned a bunch of things. That's not so different than previous years. What was different was that I was moving in two different spheres: The people I had always hung out with and the, mostly, new people of, and associated with, IBM. Of course, the spheres overlap quite a bit, but it seemed it took even more time this year to meet everybody I wanted to talk to.
That is one of the reasons I switched jobs: to meet and work with new people and get exposed to slightly different ideas and view points.
Now I have to go read all the papers I missed.
Someone in Albuquerque organized, and someone accused me of bringing it along, not so great weather. Then Seattle did its best to be rainy and cold to help me appreciate the weather in Dublin. When I arrived here today, it was actually pretty warm, and no rain ;-)
So, no pictures from this trip, except the one below. Kurt and I were looking for a place to have lunch and I saw the sign advertising the place were we then ate. I'm still trying to figure out the connection between the sign and the display behind the glass. Maybe they are trying to make up for the deficiency of their bread...

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