Friday, May 20, 2011

Planking and the End of the World

Have you heard of planking yet? It seems it originated in Australia and is now spreading around the world. I became aware of it through an article in a Swiss publication. Apparently, it is catching on there.

Planting example from the web

The idea is to lay face-down somewhere and have a picture taken. Some people get quite creative and it has even caused a death so far: a guy in Australia tried it on a balcony railing high above ground and lost his balance.
So, be careful!
On the other hand, it may not matter, since tomorrow is the beginning of the end of the world. According to Harold Camping from Family Radio, tomorrow will be the day when Jesus returns, graves will open up, true believers will be flown to Heaven, and the rest of us will start dying by the millions until October when God snuffs out the universe. This is all based on precise calculations based on facts revealed in the Bible.
I'll probably sleep in, but please let me know if I should change my plans for the afternoon ;-)

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